| before_filter (&$action, &$args) |
| details_action ($id=null) |
| edit_action () |
| update_action () |
| members_action () |
| edit_members_action ($action, $from_status='') |
| execute_invite_action () |
| delete_action ($approveDelete=false) |
| globalmodules_action () |
| savemodules_action () |
| deactivate_action () |
| message_action () |
| avatar_action () |
| widget_action ($range_id) |
| before_filter (&$action, &$args) |
| __construct (\Trails\Dispatcher $dispatcher) |
| before_filter (&$action, &$args) |
| injectResponse (Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response) |
| perform ($unconsumed_path) |
| after_filter ($action, $args) |
| validate_args (&$args, $types=null) |
| url_for ($to='') |
| link_for ($to='') |
| redirect ($to) |
| relocate ($to) |
| rescue ($exception) |
| render_json ($data) |
| render_csv ($data, $filename=null, $delimiter=';', $enclosure='"') |
| render_file (string $file, ?string $filename=null, ?string $content_type=null, string $content_disposition='attachment', ?Closure $callback=null) |
| render_temporary_file (string $file, ?string $filename=null, ?string $content_type=null, string $content_disposition='attachment', ?Closure $callback=null) |
| render_form (\Studip\Forms\Form $form) |
| render_vue_app (\Studip\VueApp $app) |
| relay ($to_uri) |
| relayWithRedirect (... $args) |
| perform_relayed ($unconsumed) |
| render_template ($template_name, $layout=null) |
| render_template_as_string ($template, $layout=null) |
| __call ($method, $arguments) |
| has_action ($action) |
| action_url ($action) |
| action_link ($action) |
| validate_datetime ($datetime, $format='H:i') |
| render_spreadsheet (array $header, array $data, string $format, string $filename, ?string $filepath=null) |
| __construct (Dispatcher $dispatcher) |
| erase_response () |
| get_response () |
| perform ($unconsumed) |
| extract_action_and_args ($string) |
| default_action_and_args () |
| map_action ($action) |
| before_filter (&$action, &$args) |
| after_filter ($action, $args) |
| does_not_understand ($action, $args) |
| redirect ($to) |
| render_text ($text=' ') |
| render_nothing () |
| render_action ($action) |
| get_default_template ($action) |
| render_template ($template_name, $layout=null) |
| get_template_factory () |
| get_assigned_variables () |
| set_layout ($layout) |
| url_for ($to) |
| set_status ($status, $reason_phrase=null) |
| set_content_type ($type) |
| rescue ($exception) |
| respond_to ($ext) |
This controller realises the basal functionalities of a studygroup.
GPL2 or any later version