Stud.IP  6.0
LibraryDocument Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 getId ()
 getType ($format='name')
 getTitle ($format='short')
 getAuthorNames ()
 getIssueDate ($year_only=false)
 getIdentifiers ()
 filterCslFieldsByType ()
 toArray ()
 toJson ()
 fillEmptyCslFields ()
 isEqualTo (LibraryDocument $other)
 getInfoTemplate ($format='short')
 getSearchDescription ()
 getIcon ()

Static Public Member Functions

static createFromArray (array $data=[])
static createFromJson (string $json_string="")

Data Fields

 $id = ''
 $opac_document_id = ''
 $opac_link = ''
 $type = ''
 $csl_data = []
 $catalog = ''
 $search_params = []

Detailed Description

This class represents a document from a library.

Member Function Documentation

◆ createFromArray()

static createFromArray ( array  $data = [])

Creates a LibraryDocument instance from an associative array.

array$dataAn associative array containing data for a LibraryDocument instance.
LibraryDocument|null A LibraryDocument instance on success or null on failure.

◆ createFromJson()

static createFromJson ( string  $json_string = "")

Creates a LibraryDocument instance from JSON data.

string$json_stringA JSON string containing data for a LibraryDocument instance.
LibraryDocument|null A LibraryDocument instance on success or null on failure.

◆ fillEmptyCslFields()

fillEmptyCslFields ( )

Fills or creates empty or missing CSL data fields that may be required when rendering the CSL data.

array The "enriched" CSL data from this document.

◆ filterCslFieldsByType()

filterCslFieldsByType ( )

Filters the CSL data fields by the document type. Only those CSL fields that are specified in for the document type are kept.

◆ getAuthorNames()

getAuthorNames ( )
string A list with all author names.

◆ getIcon()

getIcon ( )

◆ getId()

getId ( )

Generates an ID for the document.

◆ getIdentifiers()

getIdentifiers ( )
string A string with identifiers of the document (ISBN, URL, ...).

◆ getInfoTemplate()

getInfoTemplate (   $format = 'short')
Flexi A template containing information about the the document.

◆ getIssueDate()

getIssueDate (   $year_only = false)

Returns a string with the issue date.

bool$year_onlyWhether to return only the year of the date (true) or the whole date (false). Defaults to false.
string A string representing the issue date.

◆ getSearchDescription()

getSearchDescription ( )

Creates a descriptive text of the search parameters that lead to the retrieval of this document.

string[] An array with a textual representation of all used search parameters.

◆ getTitle()

getTitle (   $format = 'short')

Returns the title of the document as string.

string$formatThe format of the title. 'short' means that only the title is returned. 'long' means that the author, the year and the title are concatenated into one string. 'long-comma' means that the author, the title and the year are concatenated in that order, only separated by a comma.
string The title of the document.

◆ getType()

getType (   $format = 'name')

Returns the type of the document as string.

string The type of the document.

◆ isEqualTo()

isEqualTo ( LibraryDocument  $other)

Determines if this document is equal to another document. Equality is determined by comparing various ID fields and as a last resort, the title, author and year are compared.

LibraryDocument$otherAnother library document that shall be compared to this document.
bool True, if this document is equal to the other document, false otherwise.

◆ toArray()

toArray ( )

Converts this LibraryDocument to an associative array.

array An associative array containing the data of this LibraryDocument instance.

◆ toJson()

toJson ( )

Converts this LibraryDocument to JSON data.

string A string containing the JSON encoded version of this LibraryDocument instance.

Field Documentation

◆ $catalog

$catalog = ''

The name of the catalog from which the document has been retrieved.

◆ $csl_data

$csl_data = []

The CSL datafields.

◆ $datafields


Other data that cannot be stored in the $csl_data array.

◆ $id

$id = ''

An unique ID of the document.

◆ $opac_document_id

$opac_document_id = ''

The OPAC ID of the document.

◆ $opac_link

$opac_link = ''

The link to the document page in the OPAC system.

◆ $search_params

$search_params = []

The search parameter that have been used to retrieve this item.

◆ $type

$type = ''

The CSL document type.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: