Public Member Functions | |
before_filter (&$action, &$args) | |
paramSuffix ($action='') | |
renderSortLink ($action, $text, $field, $attributes=null) | |
jsUrl ($to='', $params=[]) | |
qs_result_action () | |
![]() | |
before_filter (&$action, &$args) | |
![]() | |
__construct (\Trails\Dispatcher $dispatcher) | |
before_filter (&$action, &$args) | |
injectResponse (Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response) | |
perform ($unconsumed_path) | |
after_filter ($action, $args) | |
validate_args (&$args, $types=null) | |
url_for ($to='') | |
link_for ($to='') | |
redirect ($to) | |
relocate ($to) | |
rescue ($exception) | |
render_json ($data) | |
render_csv ($data, $filename=null, $delimiter=';', $enclosure='"') | |
render_file (string $file, ?string $filename=null, ?string $content_type=null, string $content_disposition='attachment', ?Closure $callback=null) | |
render_temporary_file (string $file, ?string $filename=null, ?string $content_type=null, string $content_disposition='attachment', ?Closure $callback=null) | |
render_form (\Studip\Forms\Form $form) | |
render_vue_app (\Studip\VueApp $app) | |
relay ($to_uri) | |
relayWithRedirect (... $args) | |
perform_relayed ($unconsumed) | |
render_template ($template_name, $layout=null) | |
render_template_as_string ($template, $layout=null) | |
__call ($method, $arguments) | |
has_action ($action) | |
action_url ($action) | |
action_link ($action) | |
validate_datetime ($datetime, $format='H:i') | |
render_spreadsheet (array $header, array $data, string $format, string $filename, ?string $filepath=null) | |
![]() | |
__construct (Dispatcher $dispatcher) | |
erase_response () | |
get_response () | |
perform ($unconsumed) | |
extract_action_and_args ($string) | |
default_action_and_args () | |
map_action ($action) | |
before_filter (&$action, &$args) | |
after_filter ($action, $args) | |
does_not_understand ($action, $args) | |
redirect ($to) | |
render_text ($text=' ') | |
render_nothing () | |
render_action ($action) | |
get_default_template ($action) | |
render_template ($template_name, $layout=null) | |
get_template_factory () | |
get_assigned_variables () | |
set_layout ($layout) | |
url_for ($to) | |
set_status ($status, $reason_phrase=null) | |
set_content_type ($type) | |
rescue ($exception) | |
respond_to ($ext) | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static | trim ($text) |
Data Fields | |
$search_result = [] | |
$search_term = '' | |
$search_id = null | |
$param_suffix = '' | |
Static Public Attributes | |
static | $items_per_page |
Protected Member Functions | |
initSearchParams ($action='') | |
initPageParams ($action=null) | |
setSidebar () | |
do_search ($class_name, $search_term=null, $search_id=null, $filter=null) | |
getSearchResult ($class_name) | |
reset_search ($action='') | |
reset_page ($action='') | |
sessSet ($key, $value) | |
sessGet ($key, $default=null) | |
sessRemove ($keys) | |
sessDelete () | |
![]() | |
keepRequest () | |
![]() | |
render_pdf (TCPDF $pdf, $filename, $inline=false) | |
controller_path () | |
getBodyElementIdForControllerAndAction ($unconsumed_path) | |
Static Protected Member Functions | |
static | IsVisible () |
Protected Attributes | |
$sidebar_rendered = false | |
$session_key | |
![]() | |
$with_session = true | |
$allow_nobody = false | |
![]() | |
$with_session = false | |
$allow_nobody = true | |
$_autobind = false | |
![]() | |
Dispatcher | $dispatcher |
Response | $response |
bool | $performed = false |
Template string null | $layout = null |
before_filter | ( | & | $action, |
& | $args | ||
) |
protected |
Perform the search for mvv objects of type defined by $class_name. Uses the findBySearchTerm method with its parameters $search_term and $filter. If $search_id is given, only this item will be found. Sets info messages with number of hits to page layout.
string | $class_name | The name of an mvv object class. |
string | $search_term | The search term. |
string | $search_id | The id of an mvv object selected in quicksearch. |
array | $filter | An array with filter options feeded to search function to restrict search result. |
protected |
Returns the current search result of the given class. The search result is an array of object ids.
string | The class name of the found objects. |
protected |
Initialzes the controller (considers name of action if given) based parameters for page navigation and bind them to url.
string | $action | The name of the action (optional). |
protected |
Initialzes the controller (considers name of action if given) based parameters for search and bind them to url.
string | $action | The name of the action (optional). |
staticprotected |
Determines the visibility of this controller.
jsUrl | ( | $to = '' , |
$params = [] |
) |
Renders a html snippet containing an url. This url is used by java script.
string | $to | A string containing a controller and optionally an action. Default is the current controller. |
array | $params | An array with url parameters. |
paramSuffix | ( | $action = '' | ) |
Returns a controller based (considers name of action if given) suffix for url parameters.
string | $action | The name of the action (optional). |
qs_result_action | ( | ) |
This action is used to show a select box instead of an input field if the user has clicked on the magnifier icon of a quicksearch.
Trails |
renderSortLink | ( | $action, | |
$text, | |||
$field, | |||
$attributes = null |
) |
Renders a html snippet with a sort link used in table headers.
string | $action | The action called by this link. |
string | $text | The text of the link. |
string | $field | The sort to sort by. |
array | $attributes | Additional url attributes. |
protected |
Resets the main page parameters for pagination and sorting for the given action.
string | $action | The name of the action that uses the pagination and sorting. |
protected |
Deletes the search results stored in $this->search_result for the given action.
string | $action | The name of the action that uses the particular search. |
protected |
Deletes all values from the session used in this controller.
protected |
Returns the value of the given key from the session.
string | $key | The key of the value to return. |
protected |
Removes the value with the given key from the session.
string | array | $keys | The key of the value to remove from session. |
protected |
Stores a value with the given key in the session.
string | $key | The key of the value. |
mixed | $value | The value to store under the given key. |
protected |
Sets the sidebar with all widgets and set value of sidebar_rendered to true.
static |
This weird WYSIWIG-Editor stores an empty string as an empty diff-element. Use this function to check whether the field has no content (no input by the user).
string | $text | The text from db to check. |
static |
$param_suffix = '' |
$search_id = null |
$search_result = [] |
$search_term = '' |
protected |
protected |