Stud.IP  6.0
MvvTreeItem Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for MvvTreeItem:
ModuleManagementModelTreeItem MvvTreeRoot Abschluss AbschlussKategorie Fach Fachbereich Lvgruppe Modul Modulteil MvvCourse StgteilAbschnitt StgteilabschnittModul StgteilVersion Studiengang StudiengangTeil

Public Member Functions

 getTrailParentId ()
 getTrailParent ()
 getChildren ()
 hasChildren ()
 getId ()
 getDisplayName ()
 isAssignable ()
 getParents ($mode)
 getTrails ($types=null, $mode=null, $path=null, $in_recursion=false)

Data Fields


Member Function Documentation

◆ getChildren()

getChildren ( )

Returns all children of this object.


Implemented in Studiengang, Fach, Abschluss, StgteilVersion, Lvgruppe, AbschlussKategorie, Modul, Modulteil, StgteilAbschnitt, StgteilabschnittModul, Fachbereich, StudiengangTeil, MvvCourse, and MvvTreeRoot.

◆ getDisplayName()

getDisplayName ( )

Returns the name of the object to displa in the trail.


Implemented in Studiengang, Abschluss, Modul, StgteilVersion, Fachbereich, Modulteil, StudiengangTeil, MvvCourse, MvvTreeRoot, and StgteilabschnittModul.

◆ getId()

getId ( )

Returns the id of this object.


Implemented in MvvTreeRoot.

◆ getParents()

getParents (   $mode)

Returns all parents of this object.

int$modeParameter to modify search result.

Implemented in Studiengang, Fach, Abschluss, StgteilVersion, Lvgruppe, Modul, AbschlussKategorie, Modulteil, StgteilAbschnitt, StgteilabschnittModul, StudiengangTeil, Fachbereich, MvvCourse, and MvvTreeRoot.

◆ getTrailParent()

getTrailParent ( )

Returns the parent of this object in the specific trail.

object The parent object, null if object has no parent.

Implemented in Studiengang, Fach, Abschluss, StgteilVersion, Lvgruppe, AbschlussKategorie, Modul, Modulteil, StgteilAbschnitt, StgteilabschnittModul, StudiengangTeil, Fachbereich, MvvCourse, and MvvTreeRoot.

◆ getTrailParentId()

getTrailParentId ( )

Returns the parent of the last selected item. Used by assignnment of LV-Gruppen to courses.

string|null Id of object, null if object has no parent.

Implemented in Studiengang, Fach, Abschluss, StgteilVersion, Lvgruppe, AbschlussKategorie, Modul, Modulteil, StgteilAbschnitt, StgteilabschnittModul, StudiengangTeil, Fachbereich, MvvCourse, ModuleManagementModelTreeItem, and MvvTreeRoot.

◆ getTrails()

getTrails (   $types = null,
  $mode = null,
  $path = null,
  $in_recursion = false 

Returns all trails (pathes through the mvv object structure) for one object. The trails are the relations of this object along the given types (classes of MvvTreeItem objects) to the root object type.

array$typesAn array of class names.
int$modeModifeies the result (only possible value is MvvTreeItem::TRAIL_SHOW_INCOMPLETE)
array$pathThe uncomplete path (used in recursion)
boolean$lastTrue if the last object (no parents) is reached (used in recursion)
array An Array of trails. Each trail is an array of objects with the class names as keys. Each trail consists of the objects defined by the types parameter and have the same order as the types array.

Implemented in MvvTreeRoot, and ModuleManagementModelTreeItem.

◆ hasChildren()

hasChildren ( )

Returns whether this object has children.


Implemented in Studiengang, Fach, Abschluss, StgteilVersion, Lvgruppe, Modul, Modulteil, StgteilabschnittModul, Fachbereich, ModuleManagementModelTreeItem, MvvCourse, and MvvTreeRoot.

◆ isAssignable()

isAssignable ( )

Returns whether this object is assignable to courses. Only used by selecting and asssigning LV-Gruppen to courses.

Implemented in Lvgruppe, ModuleManagementModelTreeItem, and MvvTreeRoot.

Field Documentation



Returns a trail even if the object is not related to the root item.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: